Meet the SPS team
Catherine Leary
Caitlin Worsham
Shahrazad A. Shareef
Wendy Chen
Christy Houston
Born and raised in Canada, Christy Houston has lived in Southeast Asia for more than 20 years. She first visited Cambodia in 2002, and has called Siem Reap home since 2011. She founded Houston Education Consulting, a full-service college and boarding school advising, test preparation, and tutoring company, in 2022. Christy has been a college counselor at Jay Pritzker Academy in Siem Reap, Cambodia, since 2013. Her role as counselor involves securing international scholarships for rural Cambodian youth in need of full-ride scholarships. She has extensive knowledge of Cambodian culture, documentation requirements, and regional challenges. She is a member of the International Association for College Admission Counseling (IACAC). At the IACAC Annual Conference 2022, Christy will be the first to shine an international spotlight on Cambodia as a presenter in the session “Regional Updates & Anecdotes from Vietnam and Cambodia.”
In addition to her career as a college counselor, she has also worked as a communications manager for an educational NGO in Cambodia. Christy consistently expands her knowledge of the college admissions and boarding school admissions process through campus visits, industry workshops, and continuing education. She offers specific expertise in coaching students to share their stories through essay writing. With many connections throughout the region, taps her networks to assist students in securing internships, jobs, projects, research, and growing community involvement. Overall, she enjoys helping students highlight their strengths and find their “best fit” schools.